Where is the money going! No $ for schools; teachers; students; police; SSA; health care; clean water; air; food protection; FDA; all other program not funded fully.
What are the People on the list hiding?$ 12,400
Our Government is made of Checks & Balance! When a group of persons try to jump over the only thing that makes America great! Refers to a process by which the values and principles of a system in place are contradicted or reversed, an attempt to transform the established social order and its structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and norm (social).
You need to ask your congress person to give back all the money that the NRA has given to politicians to keep us targets in public. If it was true that our right to have arms was a basic part of life than we should be able to buy everything that the U.S Military has in their arsenal. That is not the case, so why is that somebody can buy a rifle that it`s basic feature is killing as many people as one has bullets.
I never watched a commercial that said when “Giuliani” spoke every one listen?! I am to be certain of this story now!? I thinking fox watchers are accepting as true it; Why not after (how many months?) the whole thing is disgraceful in the face of G. Washington!
Trump earlier this month authorized the release of the highly controversial Nunes memo alleging that the FBI abused its surveillance tools. The FBI has said that memo, put together by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, R-California, omits key information that could impact its veracity.
This letter is some way of expressing the concerns that all Americans have, just not talked about. There for someone is need to bring up some problems that the distraction caused by GOP/Trump party. The investigation must happen faster with the result of impeachment So congress, and the American people can move on.
There are a bunch of thing Good Old BIG-T has done, and there will be more to come. All I know is BIG-T will tunnel right to your bank account for the next ten years, every decade the trash has to be burred that is the middle class gets the hot ass hole from trying to digest the hot mess that happens every ten years!.

You can blame BIG-T…