George Is Crying
keeping the world holding it breath!
Please Note! REALITY! most of them are R-House Reps; some of moved to GOV-jobs; easy way don`t have to look for money to be a WINNER! Our FREEDOM is at stake! GOP had majority & look what you have troubled people three deep! OMG NOW! What responsibility will GOP take for defacing our greatest Office!...
This man believes he is the second coming of Jesus; just like the word, (R.M.T) far right is thinking; GOD will send the rapture when the Jews are at home in J town; this guy is the one you should be looking out for; The Second Coming is a Christian and Islamic belief regarding the future return of V.P Mike Pence after his "first coming" and ascension to heaven about two thousand years ago(SO BAD)!...
REALITY! funding for India should stop until the WINNER! telemarketing companies are out business with scam. there behind are most of the repair scams, tax scams, romance scams, and government scams. This is a direct attack by the Indian government with proxies using phone support to find people, our nation security is at risk. Hundreds of millions of dollars; have been taken by the Indian government. The bigger problem is the inaction by America will make other nation states follow. We are in w.w.III now in cyber space and our FREEDOM is at hand! Wake up America nation states are trying to assault U.S!...
A brave sole finding one large inconstancy with the person the GOP picked to lead U.S. to FREEDOM; A trader of treason selling America to the highest bidder; So, Reality Winner spoke up showing the secret republicans did not what America people to know! Shame on you all! Start a bill to get her OUT NOW!…
Republicans? REALITY! all about “right to life” in conceptualize; Once you`re Out! No WINNER! The chances you will not make it, in childhood if you do not have this; you have both parents, both employed, no death in family, private schools, & health insurance! Left to GOP no schools, no child care, no help for women reproductive health, no health care for children, if you don`t save your money no S.S.A, and no health care for all; FREEDOM!...
There are hundreds of kids being born to people that have no business having children; but you need to in press your own weird thoughts on others (SO BAD) like you have life all answered up (SO SAD) stop telling people how to live their life & run your own! O! yes REALITY WINNER FREEDOM NOW!...